Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bar, hospital, bar. Not a bad combo.

As I stated in my previous blog, I went out drinking last night. No, I don't have a hangover, but what do I do is a big fucking hospital bill in my pocket. I guess I will put my "top 10 games" on hold and tell you about last night. This is not a rant. This is a fucking idiot, telling how he did some fucking idiotic stuff.

Last night started out pretty well. I mean we started our bar tour from Hällä, a fucking dump of a bar, but as long as the drinks are cheap I'm not complaining. Because I'm weird like that.
Well we were getting our drinking on and suddenly I saw a friend of mine who got back from the army. the drunk fuck as I was, I decided to go say hey by being a manly shit. Dudes, this guy had been training in methods of killing and I didn't want to seem like a pussy. So I tried to do something you never should do. I tried to punch him. Now look, if you've ever been drunk, you know you shouldn't do any sudden moves with your body just because they will cock up. Of course my punch missed my friend and went directly in my other friends eye. Dude dropped down like your selfrespect when waking up next to a naked guy. I almost peed my pants. Very un-manly, I know, but I thought I killed him. Well obviously we went to a hospital and I covered the taxi, the hospital bill, the medicine for his eye and later I bought him few drinks. I mean that's the least I could do. shit costs cash, but I did cause that black eye of his.

After that awesome run we decided the evening isn't done and we went to a bar, but the rest of the bar tour was pretty ordinary. I met this Canadian girl who I danced with. This next part is an actual conversation we had while getting jiggy with it:

Rabbe: "god damn it's hot!"
Chick: "ahaha"
*shirt off and dancing continues* Rabbe: "ok, that didn't help at all"
Chick: "wanna get even more hot?"
Rabbe: "I might..."

That was great. Unfortunately the evening didn't lead to anything except to a very subtle neck kiss and some ass grabbing. Oh well. You can't win everytime, right? Later I danced with couple other girls. One of whom was hot as hell. Not kidding.
That also didn't lead to anything. Except some ass grabbing. Well, we left soon after that and I stayed at my friends place for the night. I sleeped nude. Because I can.

P.S. I just farted. I don't think my fart has ever smelled this awful.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The start

Here I am, sitting by my computer, doing something I never thought I would do. Actually I went as far as declaring how idiotic these things are. Blogs. Who really needs some guy ranting how his wife dumped him for a lesbian truckdriver? Who wants to read about how my cat just pooped on the floor?
I don't have a cat (stupid creatures that only freaky ladies in pajamas worship), but I think message of this statement was pretty clear. Blogs are stupid waste of time.

But since I did start one, I better try to make it the best one I can. Hopefully people will eventually catch up and tell me how wrongly I'm doing the entire thing.

Basically what I have in my little mind is listing all sorts of stuff, reviewing movies, bands, albums, games, sports. Mostly guy stuff. And girly stuff if you happen to be a really butch girl.

I probably won't go in to details just how and what I'm doing, but I want to keep it very casual. If I rate a movie, I might skip the acting part and give my ratings based on stuff that you love. If I think that in a horror movie the monster looks like a big turd, I might give kudos for that. Unless I happen not to like turds at the time.

In the end, for you people this is a way in to a mind of a guy living really god damn north. I really hope at least few people might read this.

To that note, I will continue my blog tomorrow. Let's all hope my future hangover doesn't kill me. I will be making my first list about the games I've played. top 10 all time best games. Fuck yeah, I'm a bad ass.